North Carolina Personal Care Services LLC is a home care provider in Greensboro, North Carolina, committed to providing comprehensive care services to meet varied and individualized client needs. We help make stringent solutions to the day-to-day needs of every client we serve so they can live with ease in the comfort of their homes.
The individualized services plan we design is geared to optimize comfort, dignity, and independence; hence, you can count on North Carolina Personal Care Services when it comes to maximizing your capabilities and achieving successful health outcomes.

Mission Statement
North Carolina Personal Care Services seeks to support the home care needs of every individual we serve through compassionate and service-driven patient care solutions.
Vision Statement
To be the top provider of quality home care support and assistance that optimizes the daily living conditions of every individual we serve.
We place a high value on:
Ethical Behavior
Professional Excellence
High Performance
Team Participation And Contribution (Teamwork)
Growth & Development
Get in Touch
Do you have further questions, concerns, or suggestions? Call us or send us a message. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible!